Sunday, 11 October 2009

Family Tree News - 11 October 2009

Whilst looking through records at the archives this week, searching for evidence of an ancestor for a family now living in Australia, I came across a 19th century broadsheet 'Sentences of the Prisoners' detailing local records of convicted prisonees being hanged for such crimes as breaking into a house to steal a shirt, jacket and waistcoat. Crime and Punishment was certainly more severe back then; for example, the record shows 16 year old Edward Pritchard, and 19 year old John Letman were 'Transported for Life' (to Australia) for stealing a silk handkerchief.

This week a BBC Timewatch programme was broadcast showing film footage and anecdotes about the Coventry Blitz. As you can imagine, I was glued to my TV set! The documentary was well made and is a very interesting true account of the horrors inflicted upon the people of Coventry. From time to time I am contacted by researchers who are making TV documentaries such as this one.

The TV documentary has revived some interest in the Blitz. My thanks to Tony and Kate Bennett for supplying new data for Blitz victims, which I have published today. Also, thanks to Des Kite for sharing his parent's recollections of the Blitz, including a wonderful photograph of his father in police uniform. Follow the link to read these Blitz recollections.

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